Have Questions : Email us at nick@seikomedia.com

Discovery Call Confirmed!

Please watch this 1 MIN VIDEO or we’ll need to reschedule.
Step 1.
Take a screenshot of this page and send it to Nikhil via one of the following mediums so that he can chat with you in case he needs any additional details about your business.
Step 2.
Join the premium facebook group for FREE to stay updated on latest eCom trends and best industry practices.
Step 3.
Please make sure that you show up on the discovery call at the scheduled time so that we can strategize your eCom brand’s growth together.

Hear from our happy clients

Frequently Asked Questions

Typically the discovery call lasts for about 20-30 minutes to understand your business’s numbers, problems, goals and figure out if and how we can help you out.
But if you want extra clarity and guidance on the growth strategy, the call be extended without any issue.

Since this call is to understand your business and help you out with further strategies, it’s completely FREE.

It is totally customized depending upon where you’re at and what we need to do to get your brand to your revenue goals, profitably.

Just be on time and we should be good to go. Please make sure that your audio and video work well for us to have a productive call together.